Creativity in teaching.

Why is it important to be creative when it comes to teaching?
Resultado de imagen para creativity in teacherCreativity is a cluster of skills that are needed to produce ideas that are both original and valuable” (Sternberg, 2001), and Teaching Creatively has been defined as “teachers using imaginative approaches to make learning more interesting, exciting and effective” (NACCCE, 1999). Creativity is one of the most important qualities of a teacher due to the fact that as teachers it is needed to catch the attention of students, if they become bored, lessons become monotonous and the teaching-learning process becomes even more difficult.

Resultado de imagen para avoid monotony in the classWhen students get bored, it causes problems in the classroom management. Students tend to fall asleep most of the time because classes are boring and if they are boring is because many times teachers are not able to create a variety of activities that involve all students in the learning process. Teachers have to plan the lesson before developing the class; however, they must not do it from one moment to another and good teachers are able to create lessons that help the students to remain attentive to what is being taught, but above all with a creative lesson, teachers make that students learn. Besides, with creativity teachers brakes all the barriers; accordingly, they make students to think in a critical way, which is crucial. According to Ernst von Glasersfeld, the "father" of constructivism, education has two main purposes: to empower learners to think for themselves, and to promote in the next generation ways of thinking and acting that are deemed important by the present generation (Glasersfeld, 1995). Which means that during classes there must be a good interaction with all of them and not allowing classes to be monotonous.

Resultado de imagen para interaction in the classroomWhat is usually practiced in the classrooms in a repetitive way, especially in the universities, is the exhibition of text contents, usually written by others different from those they exhibit. Pupils take notes, they learn mechanically to reproduce in the exams what they have told them; they learn it, but, generally, they do not understand it. They do not care, what they are interested in is approving, this is the treatment that is done today of knowledge. Therefore, the student-teacher relationship is very important and the tasks that are carried out throughout the year must be very different from what is usual. The best teaching-learning process occurs when teachers teach their students from heart to heart and not from head to head, that is, what can be sown in them to be good people, It is also one in which the teacher creates different activities so that their students learn according to their type of learning  and it is only possible with creativity.

In conlusion, creativity is an essential quality that teachers must learn to develop since this gives a better teaching-learning process, monotony is avoided and prevents students from being bored in class and also because students are required to be creative and critical thinkers, so teachers  need to foster it to them. 
according to

The following videos can help you to know more about it. 


  1. In my opinion... is important to be creative with our students because we can demostrate in a different perspective for example the explanation or topic... the student sometimes feels bored because is a traditional class.. so with creativity using videos... pictires... songs... audios etc.. thr students can be more motivated to continioun learning 😊

    1. Thank you very much for your comment. I agree Keith you traditional clases are bored. It is important to be creative in order to have a better process of learning.

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  3. Hi Vero! I could not agree more with you. You are so right, since my perspective, be creative in the process of teaching is an essential part of every single class because it avoids boredom in students during the class and it generates more interactive participation and students learn better since the teacher can make different things with the same materials, they can make something extraordinary with something simple and the most important is that students will get meaningful learning with a variety of activities. Also, there are students who have different learning styles, for that reason, teacher needs to etwined and prepare different materials for students to learn effectively.

  4. Hi Vero! I could not agree more with you. You are so right, since my perspective, be creative in the process of teaching is an essential part of every single class because it avoids boredom in students during the class and it generates more interactive participation and students learn better since the teacher can make different things with the same materials, they can make something extraordinary with something simple and the most important is that students will get meaningful learning with a variety of activities. Also, there are students who have different learning styles, for that reason, teacher needs to etwined and prepare different materials for students to learn effectively.

    1. Hi Dalila thank you for your comment.
      Definetely tve material is a key element to be creative with students, as futures teachers se need to develop diafferent kinds of skills since we do not know how our students will learn.

  5. Hi vero pretty good topic, I'm one person who needs develop creativity to teach. I will work hard because now I know how much important it is.

    1. Hi Jocelyn you are right creative is important. And I hope all of we develop creativity in order to teach in a better way.


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